nothing too see

“Streamlines”, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg / Germany

04.12.2015 — 13.03.2016 “Streamlines”Deichtorhallen, Hamburg / Germany


 The installation ‘La Mer Morte’ (The Dead Sea) by  Kader Attia. Photo: MARKUS SCHOLZ/EPA

Untitled Al Aqsa

Installation, 2009

Räume der Erinnerung, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 7.07.-09.09.2012

The Landing Strip – 50th Venice Biennale, 2003

Open your Eyes – Tate Modern, 2011

Open your Eyes – Palais des Beaux Arts Brussels, 2010

Untitled (Skyline) Baltic Center for Contemporary Art, 2007