nothing too see

The Culture of Fear: An Invention of Evil #1, 2013


7. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3775 8. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3782 9. Kader Attia (left) und Ferdinand van Kessel (right)_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3727 6. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3771 5. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3769 4. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3762 3. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3758 2. Kader Attia_Exhibition View_Salon der Angst_Kunsthalle Wien_Foto Andrea Fichtel_MG_3750


Installation 2015 at The Injuries are here, Musée Cantonal des Beaux Arts de Lausanne, Lausanne

Salles, Kader Attia, mai 2015 Salles, Kader Attia, mai 2015 Salles, Kader Attia, mai 2015 Salles, Kader Attia, mai 2015 Salles, Kader Attia, mai 2015